
Happy Easter!

I hope that everyone is having a great Easter weekend. I just got back from a delicious breakfast at Cracker Barrel... what better way to celebrate! (Well, that and an Easter basket full of chocolate).

Yesterday I got the chance to work with the nicest family. They had four of the most well behaved and easy kids! I really hit it off with them, especially V, who showed me her awesome American Girl collection. Here's a sneak peek (click to see it larger)!



My first session on Sunday was with a really fun family... I love when I get to work with those! Mom and dad were so laid back, and little K & M were great to work with. K is at one of my favorite ages... you can really see a child's personality coming through around this time. I learned that my baby beanbag is much loved by older siblings as well!

Then I got the pleasure of working with baby K and his family. Of course, I think all of my clients are well loved... but let me tell you... this baby is LOVED! It was so sweet to see the interaction between him and his mama and grandma. He was full of smiles and made my job a breeze. You can tell he's dying to crawl, as is by this picture!

Enjoy your sneak peeks!



Are L & C not two of the most beautiful baby girls?! They are almost 3 months old and I got the opportunity to work with them and their mom and dad today. They lived a gorgeous old house with tons of windows and fun, photographable decor. Any photographer will vouch for the fact that 3 month twins make for quite a challenging shoot! L & C weren't sleepy during my visit, but I got a ton of eye contact and many sweet shots. I can't wait for mom and dad to see the rest... I think they'll be quite pleased. But in the meantime, one of my favorites so far. I love the little laugh.